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Dr. David Burrows

Pastor Dave Burrows serves as Senior Pastor of Bahamas Faith Ministries Church and as President of Bahamas Faith Ministries International a non-profit corporation both of which were founded by the late world-renowned visionary and leader Dr. Myles Munroe, whom he succeeded.  Pastor Burrows is a multifaceted and inspiring motivator, entrepreneur, consultant, national change agent and mentor. Pastor Burrows was a longtime close associate of Dr. Myles Munroe for over 30 years having travelled and partnered with him on many projects, events and venues.

Prior to assuming his current role, Pastor Burrows functioned for over 25 years as a Youth and Family Ministry Specialist and is regarded as one of the foremost authorities on Youth Development, Ministry, Training and Mentoring. Pastor Dave has pioneered many successful programs in the Bahamas and other countries to engage and positively impact youth and families including troubled youth affected by drug abuse and gangs. He has worked with young people of all backgrounds, youth leaders, churches, pastors, schools, universities, denominations and other Organizations around the world. Pas. Dave has seen young people he worked with from impoverished areas and troubled backgrounds go on to become professors, doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, pastors, entrepreneurs, politicians and succeed in many other capacities.

Pastor Burrows previously served as an advisor to the Bahamas Government on Youth Matters in his home country as Chairman of the National Youth Advisory Council on three occasions. He currently serves as Chairman of the Family Life and Health Education advisory council. In addition to serving in his current capacity, Pastor Burrows previously served as President of Youth Alive Ministries, and as founder and president emeritus of The Christian Youth Leaders Network and the Global Youth Ministry Leadership Network. He also serves as a board member of the Empowered 21 Global Council and Co-Chair of the Caribbean Region and as a member of the board of Church Growth International of the Americas.  

Affectionately known as “Davy B” or “The Ruffneck Pastor,” Pastor Dave Burrows was born and raised in The Bahamas as a troubled teenager involved in the street world of drugs, sexual promiscuity, violence and crime. While in College, through the influence of his brother-in-law Pastor Robyn Gool, Dave made a complete turnaround and went on to graduate from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Social Work and a minor in Business.

An accomplished author, Pastor Burrows has published seventeen (17) books and served as executive producer of five movies and three music soundtracks. His works include: The Laws of Good Success, Making the Most of Your Teenage Years, Power of Positive Choices, Sex and Dating and Kingdom Parenting which he co-authored with Dr. Munroe. He has appeared on many local and international television programs and events hosted by the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), TD Jakes Potters Touch, Oral Roberts University, Messiah College, Prairie View A&M University, Washington College, Armstrong Williams Show, The Potters House -Denver, Crenshaw Christian Center (Dr. Fred Price) and many others. He has spoken and conducted seminars extensively in the United States, Caribbean, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Africa.

In addition to Youth and Family ministry Pastor Burrows has served as a business and technology consultant for many organizations.  His clients have included corporations, civic and social organizations and churches. He previously served for many years as Vice President of both Bahamas Faith Ministries International and Myles Munroe International a global entity founded by the late Dr. Munroe. He also founded and serves as president and CEO of Megabyte Computers and One Rib Publications.


Dave Burrows has mentored and coached many individuals to personal and business success and continues to serve as both an inspirational and motivational speaker and life coach.



242-461-6475                         954-603-7285                            242-327-0105

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